Amidalla Website Directory

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Entertainment - 1363 Websites.

FrankenPimp Movie, Horror, Science fiction, Action, Mystery, Zombie, Vampire
The sexy,ultra-horrific adventures of Romeo [aka Patient Zero];reanimated from the brain of a murdered paranormal agent & the body of a homicidal mercenary/pimp!

Romeo Montague is the alias of (the re-animated) Patient Zero, a skilled, mutated android hit-man/pimp/ancient relics collector, that lives in Verona City; a dystopic metropolis filled with horror & sexual deviancy; featuring a lustfully demonic Astro-Queen, a psychotic South American underworld god, human/robotic sex-slave
party-girls, bloodthirsty zombies, vengeful deities and alien hooker vampire junkies/go-go girls. The cities are also plagued with murderous cybernetic 'goon'robots that are constantly trying to take Montague's life, as he and his
street hustling pal 'Tricky' tries to figure out which one of his jive-ass enemies
are trying to kill him (as well as trying to stay one step ahead of 'The Man').
In the middle of this chaos, Romeo/Zero tries to find the jive-ass thief of his multi-million dollar ring.


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Arts_&_Humanities (496) - Business_&_Economy (8062) - Casinos (18) - Computers_&_Internet (3784) - Ecommerce (25) - Education (742) - Entertainment (1363) - Government (30) - Health (1098) - News_&_Media (187) - Recreation_&_Sports (2749) - Reference (118) - Regional (849) - Science (100) - Shopping (64) - Social_Science (31) - Society_&_Culture (1210) - No. of all Websites 20926

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The Amidalla Directory is the directory service at the Amidalla Searchengine providing reviewed listings to websites in various categories. An listing will give you an page at the directory dedicated to your website and direct links to your site on our first category pages. Get an permanent listing for 7.95 Euro. is registered on 2007-10-18 and on 2003-02-18.
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